#26 South Africa: What we're going to do!

Before we tell you what we will be doing in South Africa, you might want to know how we got to South Africa. You can find this here:

But in this blog we want to tell you more about what we are going to do in South Africa:

We are going to the village of Karatara, in the Knysna area. There, Theo and Jinke and a very nice and enthusiastic team have been working with children and youth since 2014. Below we have added their (dutch) flyer to know more about the work that happens there. In addition, for more info you can look at www.goodnewsza.com. And of course, we can always have coffee to talk more about it.

Here, we'll be part of the team and be joining in the different projects. Since Lianne has been working with young people since she was 16 years old, and Ramon has also been working with all kinds of young people at Stichting Timon in the past few years, we will mainly focus on this. In addition, Ramon is very excited to use his video skills for the project.

During and besides the work, Theo and Jinke will train us and search with us to how we can shape our bigger picture and goal (Missionaries for missionaries). They themselves have already established a network with other organizations and we hope to learn a lot from them.

How long?

We’ve got a volunteers visum that gives us permission to stay in South-Africa until May 2025. For now it’s our plan to return back to The Netherlands after that, to continue working on our goal (missionaries for missionaries) from there. Of course we are missionaries that work from God’s directions and assignments, which also means that we will always strive to be obedient to what God puts in our hearts.


The whole trip will be done with the help of people who believe in the vision of Good News South Africa and the further goal of Bakers Beyond Borders. Specifically, this means that we are looking for partners who will not only support us emotionally and through prayer, but also people who want to invest financially. You can find more information about this on this page.

Lianne Bakker